Chaos is a male Pit mix born 10/27/19. He is part of a litter we rescued in partnership with a local shelter. Their mom looks like a pit/whippet mix of only about 35 pounds. At 8 weeks he weighed 8.10 pounds. At 11 weeks he is 14.9 pounds. Chaos has beautiful brown coloring with white front feet.
Don’t let his name fool you, because Chaos is nothing like his name sake. He is very confident in himself, and can be very independent. But is a huge love bug and just wants attention. He is slightly calmer than some of his siblings, but is a smart boy and will always try and get his way. He loves attention from humans more than anything!
All the puppies in the litter are up to date on shots and microchipped The adoption contract will include a clause they will be neutered/spayed at 6 months old.