Dudley is a handsome black and white, 8 year old Beagle. He loves going for walks and gets along well with other dogs and cats. Dudley is just as sweet as can be. He is up to date on shots and heartworm negative. He is neutered and microchipped. Dudley currently weighs 25 pounds. He would do best in a home with another dog to play with. He may be 8 but he thinks he is a puppy. Dudley is a bit prone to ear issues so our vet recommends his ears get cleaned weekly.
This is what Dudley’s foster mom says: he is completely crate trained, rarely barks when home alone (I have a camera), no food/toy aggression, loves the car and sticking his head out the window, loves all the cuddles he can get but also isn’t a Velcro dog, and I don’t have to put him in the crate when I’m not home as long as I put the trash can away. lol
Dudley and his foster sister