Dark Light

Hera is a female Pit mix born 10/27/19.  She is part of a litter we rescued in partnership with a local shelter.  Their mom looks like a pit/whippet mix of only about 35 pounds.  At 8 weeks she weighed 8.10 pounds.   At 11 weeks she is 13.7 pounds. Hera is reddish brindle with a white stripe down her face and white front feet.

Hera is a very sweet girl, who is curious about everything and very confident. She is also very much a lady, and keeps her composer when her siblings get excited. She loves cuddles but also loves to be independent.

All the puppies in the litter are up to date on shots and microchipped.  The adoption contract will include a clause they will be neutered/spayed at 6 months old.
